Weird SMTP timeouts

Tom Metro blu at
Tue Jun 13 15:34:43 EDT 2006

John Abreau wrote:
> How can I watch what sendmail is doing when I process the queue? I'd
> like to watch the complete protocol as it happens so I can be certain
> what it's doing...

You mean you want to see the full contents of what is being sent through 
the socket? Dig deeper into the tcpdump man page. I believe there is an 
option to dump the packet contents. Or use a GUI sniffer as others 

> When I ran the sendmail queue, the four messages each showed just a
> single match, sending to helmsbriscoe and never receiving a response...

This may be misleading due to ESMTP pipelining. Multiple commands may be 
bundled into one packet. Though I'd still expect there to be a few 
packets sent back and forth for the initial handshake used to determine 
if the server supports ESMTP pipelining.


Tom Metro
Venture Logic, Newton, MA, USA
"Enterprise solutions through open source."
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