Ubuntu modules

Billy McCarthy billy at reshippie.net
Thu May 25 12:19:16 EDT 2006

In my Ubuntu installation the file that has the modules to be loaded at boot is
/etc/modules not /etc/modprobe.conf.  Perhaps your friend's computer is the
same way.

On Thu, May 25, 2006 at 11:17:15AM -0400, Jerry Feldman wrote:
> Normally, I would simply comment out the line in /etc/modprobe.conf, but 
> there is no modprobe.conf file on his system. Further, he certainlay has a 
> modprobe.d directory containing ndiswrapper, and ndiswrapper does get 
> loaded. When we unload bcm43xx (with rmmod or modprobe -r) then his 
> wireless works fine. 

Kindly yours,
Billy SG McCarthy

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