Backup Question, Preserving Hard Links

James R. Van Zandt jrvz at
Sun May 28 15:49:00 EDT 2006

Kent Borg <kentborg at> wrote:
>   The obvious solution is to use rsync, but I have too many files for
>   that.  Rsync takes forever and far too much memory just to figure out
>   what is it going to do.  I maxed out my motherboard at 3 GB and rsync
>   still takes all my excessive amount of swap (yes, this is a known
>   bug/design festure of rsync).

I'm somewhat curious about how much "excessive" is.  Anyway, I'd be
tempted to try adding even more swap space (e.g. 10 GB total?), maybe
using a swap file on a compressed filesystem.

            - Jim Van Zandt

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