New Computer, what should I install?

Eric C eric-yrHdaQSNc4gdnm+yROfE0A at
Thu May 17 12:40:33 EDT 2007

quotes from markw:
"After our discussions, I decided to buy an AMD Athlon
64X2 6000 dual core
system. (Barebones + video + 4G RAM)"

s w e e t!  my is similar but only 2G RAM.

"I am currently using Kubuntu 6.10 on my desktop,
CentOS 4.4 on my servers,
RedHat RHEL 4.4 at work on one machine, Microsoft
Windows XP at work on
another machine, Slackware on my robot project, and
Kubuntu 6.10 on my

holy crap.  you're like MR OS.

"(1) Is Linux 64bit "real?" i.e. everything works, or
is it 90% of
everything works and some don't?"

everything i use works.  fedora with extras and some
odd ball rpms...  netpanzer works fine  :-)

"(2) If I have 64bit Linux, will 32bit apps run?"

i've done it once.  not sure if it works always.

"(3) If I have 64bit Linux, will GCC/G++ target 32bit

over my head.  i struggle with

"(4) Should I just use 32bit until 64bit is real
(ignore if #1 is "yes")"

i suppose if you're using something that's only works
on 32bit.  but that's not my particular situation. 
besides, if you hit a snag with 64 you can just
reinstall 32.

"What's your personal experience with 64bit Linux?"

my computer is a fire breathing dragon.

- eric.

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