Thou shalt not question Comcast

Richard Chonak rac-7q86n6wRh+gPnHn3N7+5xA at
Fri Nov 28 17:43:49 EST 2008

Robert Krawitz wrote:
 >    The real reason, I imagine, is to "let" Comcast sell you a much more
 > expensive business package.

They could have sold me that, if they'd had their act together.   I 
called business sales months ago, and they refused to offer business 
service at my address.

Thanks to all who have commented.  This has been educational.  I didn't 
know that MediaOne put in a no-server rule ages ago to impede gamers; 
now Comcast gives directions to gamers on how to set up the service.  If 
I understand right, gaming requires open ports, which the aptly-termed 
abuse department forbids.

Go figure.

However, today I am happy: within 24 hours of my order, VZ had my DSL 
ready for use.   Sure, it's probably got screwy port-blocking too, but 
at $20/mo, I'm willing to accept more inconvenience than at $43/mo.

Maybe I should try to find some company that operates internet service 
for apartment complexes.


The cable company: It's Craptastic!

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