Network Alpha/Beta testers: Windows, Mac, Linux

markw-FJ05HQ0HCKaWd6l5hS35sQ at markw-FJ05HQ0HCKaWd6l5hS35sQ at
Mon Oct 13 14:44:09 EDT 2008

I'm working on a web site that greatly simplifies the process of securely
linking two computers over the internet. I don't want to make too much
public at this point, but everyone I've discussed this with rightly points
out that the existing competition is severely lacking anf that this is a
cool idea.

I'll be needing some alpha and beta testers to help me iron out the
issues. The main software components will be GPL but you will need access
to my service (or clone it) for them to do any good.

There will be a simple english NDA that basically says you won't tell
people what I'm doing until the site is public. At least give me a head

I'll need you to just use the product as you'd expect it to work and tell
me what doesn't and why. In return, you'll get at least a year free access
to the service (if it stays in business that long, if you know what I

When the service goes public, it will be $9.99/month or $99/year, with a
free 28 day free trial.

If you are interested please respond to me directly and keep it off the
discussion board. Alpha testers will start in about a week or two, beta
testers maybe three weeks out.

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