blog software

David Kramer david-8uUts6sDVDvs2Lz0fTdYFQ at
Sun Sep 14 08:57:41 EDT 2008

Stephen Adler wrote, On 09/14/2008 08:29 AM:
> Guys, I'm thinking of setting up a blog site. Is there any OS blog 
> software or package you guys can recommend?

I just did that too.  I settled on WordPress, because:
- Billions of free themes out there
- Written in PHP, which I like much better than Perl these days
- Very sensible structure of include() files allows for a lot of
- Excellent documentation for both beginner and expert
- Full security
- Full semantic web support, with categories, tag clouds, RSS, ATOM,

I haven't announced it yet because I still need to do a little more
customization, but if you want to see what I have so far....

My old website was lovingly crafted from scratch by yours truly,
including authorization, localization, crossreferences, simple themes,
etc.  When I recently decided to redo it, I concluded I simply don't
have the time to do it right, and WP had all the features I needed
anyway, even if I don't use it as a typical blog.

I'm curious what you end up using, so please do tell us.

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