Ubuntu 9.04: Alsa-driver

Tom Metro tmetro-blu-5a1Jt6qxUNc at public.gmane.org
Wed Apr 29 17:25:09 EDT 2009

Randy Cole wrote:
> Alsa-driver is still broken in Ubuntu 9.04 for...IDT 92HD71B7 chipset
> Workaround:
> Go to alsaproject, download alsa-driver & alsa-kmirror. Compile
> alsa-kmirror first. I used git checkout to pull the source, followed by
> ../gitconfigure and make install.
> Recompile alsa-driver every time the kernel is changed.

I've been going through a similar procedure after every kernel upgrade 
in Ubuntu 8.10 for my Acer laptop. Sounds like I might need to keep 
doing it with 9.04.

I've been hoping that someone would put together a DKMS config to 
automate the rebuild. I took a look at doing this, but the DKMS stuff 
seemed too convoluted to grasp in the limited time I was willing to 
spend. (The download/rebuild procedure has already been automated with a 
script, it just doesn't get automatically triggered after kernel upgrades.)


Tom Metro
Venture Logic, Newton, MA, USA
"Enterprise solutions through open source."
Professional Profile: http://tmetro.venturelogic.com/

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