I Pod Touch

Laura Conrad lconrad-O0WJhd4tT3hg9hUCZPvPmw at public.gmane.org
Wed Dec 2 12:01:25 EST 2009

>>>>> "Ben" == Ben Eisenbraun <bene-Gk2boCrsRs1AfugRpC6u6w at public.gmane.org> writes:

    Ben> My iPod Touch had an unfortunate run-in with a puddle of
    Ben> water, and now I'm looking for a replacement.  Wifi, a decent
    Ben> web browser, email client and maps application are the
    Ben> general requirements.

    Ben> In theory I would love a cool, pocketable Android device, but
    Ben> I don't know that any of them are very good just yet.  The
    Ben> Nokia Maemo devices are also kind of interesting, but I
    Ben> haven't had a chance to play with one in person.

I have an N810.  I wouldn't recommend it if the maps application is
important to you, although there is one.  I personally use it mostly as an
ebook reader, and I highly recommend it for that.  I haven't tried the
email. The web browser seems pretty good, if you want to browse on a
screen that small, which I mostly don't.  The Wifi works well.

Laura   (mailto:lconrad-O0WJhd4tT3hg9hUCZPvPmw at public.gmane.org)
(617) 661-8097	233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   
http://www.laymusic.org/ http://www.serpentpublications.org

A pro basketball player named Micheal (yes, that's the way he spells
it) Ray Richardson once famously said of the New York Knicks
franchise: “The ship be sinking.”

When a reporter asked him how far it could sink, Richardson reportedly
replied: “Sky's the limit.”

Quoted by Op-Ed Columnist Bob Herbert in the New York Times, July 12, 2008

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