I'm thinking of launching a MythTV distro website

Rich Braun richb-RBmg6HWzfGThzJAekONQAQ at public.gmane.org
Fri Dec 18 14:29:31 EST 2009

Jarod Wilson pointed out:
> But wasn't your core issue that mythtv wasn't stable enough? That
> sounds like a major technical issue, so your technical approach seems
> rather key to me...

The basics are that I start with a fixed set of hardware, that I have a great
deal of problem/solution notes, that I set up a knowledge-base based on
Atlassian Software, that the underlying base system is OpenSUSE 11.2, and that
I push out the configs from a central server using Capistrano, puppet and
other tools.

So the technical approach is /not/ the interesting part of the project. The
fact that none of the other distros take this approach isn't interesting
either. Gathering a devoted group of volunteers to keep the distro current as
time goes by, and to build more enthusiasm among novice users, is the
interesting part.  At least to me.  Being able to just plug the thing in and
have *everything* work (remote control, HDMI audio, S3 suspend, non-jittery
1080p, the Schedules Direct stuff--*all* of it!) is what will interest others.

>From your comments it doesn't seem to me that you're in the target audience of
my appeal:  seeking motivated people who either want to volunteer to handle
some of the technical stuff, or perhaps to lead a new non-profit (but
money-collecting, a la Schedules Direct) organization.


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