odd problem with large ext4 file system

Stephen Adler adler-wRvlPVLobi1/31tCrMuHxg at public.gmane.org
Thu Dec 24 13:11:49 EST 2009

Hello all (and merry holidays!)

I'm playing around with a 6 terabyte partition I put together which has 
an ext4 file system mapped onto it. In order to make sure its working 
well, I do periodic forced file system checks. I assume that if a file 
system is working well, and the underlying hardware, I should be able to 
run fsck -f as many times as I want and it should pass each time. Well, 
with this particular file system, on the first fsck -f I performed on 
it, a few errors were found which I fixed. I then re-ran fsck -f and it 
went through with no errors. I then ran it again, and it found a bunch 
of errors. I ran it again, and it found more errors. All the errors its 
found I've fixed, but I'm getting a bit worried that ext4 is not ready 
for prime time. I'm running fedora 12, with all its patches. I know ext4 
made its debut in fedora 11.

Should I bite the bullet and reformat the disk as ext3? Can ext3 handle 
a 6 terabyte file system (I think it can...) Are the advantages of ext4 
such that it makes sense to try and keep the file system at ext4?

Cheers. Steve.

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