KDE vs Gnome -- User interfaces

markw-FJ05HQ0HCKaWd6l5hS35sQ at public.gmane.org markw-FJ05HQ0HCKaWd6l5hS35sQ at public.gmane.org
Mon Feb 9 12:20:54 EST 2009

Here's a discussion: Gnome vs KDE.

I was a KDE user from version 1.x I generally like the QT library more
than GTK, and up until 4.x thought KDE was better.

Now, I've switch to Gnome. I've had it with KDE. Specifically, KDE 4.x is
out to get the desktop. They don't want icons or folders on your desktop.
I think 4.2 allows you to switch to the old fashion Desktop folder, but I
think KDE has jumped the shark.

I remember the KDE discussions about the Desktop, I recall a lot of
aesthetic arguments, but no real discussion of usability.

What do you think? The way KDE is moving, is it good? Do you think Gnome
is better/worse? I'm interested in hearing what you think.

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