Another question regarding backups

Jack Coats jack-rp9/bkPP+cDYtjvyW6yDsg at
Tue Jul 7 10:59:07 EDT 2009

I might suggest getting another drive, and doing a 'test restore' to it,
given just your CDs, new drive, and backup disks that are your 'offsite' or
'off system' backups.
This is just to simulate your machine going toes to the heavens!  I suggest:

1. document every step along the way.
2. If it comes up running nicely, you have it document how to do it again if
it happens 'for real'.
3. If it does not come up and running, you have the forenzics to analyze
where/how something went wrong.
4. After it all works, you have another drive to use as part of your backup
pool or put in your LVM.

Just a thought

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