best office/home office setup - the telecommuter

Greg Rundlett (freephile) greg-SfI3QVg0eaJl57MIdRCFDg at
Fri Jul 24 15:11:01 EDT 2009

Moving to a new employment position, I'm once again faced with
purchasing some computer equipment.  I'm wondering what hardware,
software and combination people like the best for working seamlessly
in the office AND home office environment.  I'm not really a traveller
- so I don't have to do the 'road warrior' thing.  However, I do want
to be able to work in multiple locations.

I was going to buy a notebook (Lenovo T500 ~ $1200) with docking
station ($200) plus keyboard and monitor ($400), but I'm wondering
what other people think.

Does anyone just use a desktop, with screen plus sshfs?

Does anyone just use an external USB drive + using synchronization software?

Does anyone just use a service like Dropbox?

Obviously without the notebook to move around, you have to maintain
applications and even the OS on multiple hardware.  I think the
notebook gives the best flexibility + power + least effort, but I'm
just wondering what other people's experience is.

Greg Rundlett

nbpt 978-225-8302
m. 978-764-4424
-skype/aim/irc/twitter freephile

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