best office/home office setup - the telecommuter

Kent Borg kentborg-KwkGvOEf1og at
Mon Jul 27 11:49:27 EDT 2009

ref wrote:
> And yes, I second (third?) that the one thing I spent good money on
> was a laptop backpack. It makes carrying the laptop (not the lightest
> one in the world) almost effortless

Having spent a ton of money to get a notebook that *is* among the
lightest ones in the world, my choice a for a case a "Bubblope" (a tough
mylar-ed velcro closing envelope made of a heavy gauge bubble wrap) I
bought at Bob Slate. Protects it well, very rain proof, easy to carry in
one hand, can slide inside a larger bag (such as a backpack). About once
a year it starts to get worn out and I buy another for ~$3.00.


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