re-install problem

Jack Coats jack-rp9/bkPP+cDYtjvyW6yDsg at
Tue Mar 10 14:55:35 EDT 2009

It sounds ridiculous, but if you have an old CD drive laying around
(or a new DVD drive) you might replace your install drive (or add
another) and try it again.  Possibly new CD cables.

I am sure you have tied the 'was with non-scatch dish-washing liquid
detergent, rinse with LOTS of clean water, dry with lint free very
soft cloth, don't touch the surface of the disk platter' and try again
method.  I even 'buff' CDs and DVD's by laying it 'label side down' on
a towel on a hard surface and buff it with some water (or tiny bit of
rubbing alcohol to remove finger prints) for a long time trying to
remove all the micro-scratches you can.

Sometimes this 'Montecarlo method' of hardware problem resolution
works.  Sometime not.

Just a few thoughts.

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