Security, certification, and Cloud Computing

Jerry Natowitz j.natowitz-KealBaEQdz4 at
Fri Mar 20 13:56:45 EDT 2009

I'm a out of work IT Generalist.  I consider myself a Unix Sysadmin, 
primarily Solaris, but my actual jobs have mainly been in SW Development 
and QA.

In looking for a Sysadmin job, I've come to realize that I lack a few 
resume items:

1) Solid blocks of time spent as a Sysadmin (I have 2.5 years as a 75% 
admin, everything else is 10-30%)
2) SAN experience
3) DBA

In a better job market this would hobble me, but in today's market I 
don't stand a chance.  I was speaking with someone who suggested I look 
into getting into "The Next Big Thing".  She said she'd bet her money on 
Cloud Computing.  Now my powers of prognostication are really bad: I 
still remember telling someone in the mid-90s that the Internet was the 
"CB radio of the 90s" - ouch!

But suppose she's right.  My second reaction to hearing Cloud Computing 
was "SECURITY".  I have virtually no job experience with security, so I 
thought perhaps I should look for certification.

Any advise, either about certification, specializing in security, or 
Cloud Computing would be greatly appreciated.

	Jerry Natowitz
	j.natowitz-KealBaEQdz4 at

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