Desktop Relevance

Eric Chadbourne EChadbourne-3av5VAs6qClGBRGhe+f61g at
Thu Mar 26 14:55:22 EDT 2009

Hi Kyle and welcome to the discuss list. 

> from an IT standpoint Microsoft is the best thing that has happened

Yikes!  Personally I would prefer to manage Linux boxes.  But I've never
done so professionally.

> them owning the market is true and probably won't change

Well if they can lose ground in servers and mobile devices I don't see
why they can lose the desktop.  Particularly when they put out shoddy
over priced software.

> Linux can seem somewhat of a daunting task to learn

There's so much documentation and a large and friendly community
learning about Linux won't be difficult at all for you.

> become more user friendly considering Ubuntu

Yuck!!!  Fedora rules!  ;-)

- Eric C

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