Desktop Relevance

Jerry Feldman gaf-mNDKBlG2WHs at
Mon Mar 30 09:54:14 EDT 2009

On 03/30/2009 07:35 AM, Martin Owens wrote:
> Yes and it doesn't take a genius to work out that most users would be
> better with any of the top 50 distros instead of Microsoft Windows. The=

> good news is that they are starting to learn that via word of mouth.
> The bad news is that there isn't enough people from the technical field=
> that have both the inclination and the social ability to advocate and
> educate effectively.
>  =20
Well said Martin. I think that if some of the vendors decide to provide=20
pre-installed Linux (Dell has already done this) it will help. However,=20
one issue is that most Linux desktop systems (Ubuntu, Fedora, etc) have=20
a relatively short upgrade cycle where Windows has a relatively slow=20
cycle. I think that Ubuntu's focus on the desktop and their support=20
strategy may be a better fit for PC makers.  But, I think that these=20
systems need to find their way into Best Buy and other retail chains.

BTW: My wife's Windows system has been acting up, and my next approach=20
may be to use P2V to back up here system, install Linux, and then use=20
her Windows system inside VirtualBox of KVM, but I think I can migrate=20
here email (currently an older Eudora) to native Linux Thunderbird, and=20
decide what Browser to use (she currently used Flock).  One problem she=20
has is that she can exit MSIE, and within 10 minutes it shows up on task =

manager (iexplore) which means she may have some adware or something.

Jerry Feldman <gaf-mNDKBlG2WHs at>
Boston Linux and Unix
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