The end is near for SCO (hopefully)

Dan Ritter dsr-mzpnVDyJpH4k7aNtvndDlA at
Wed May 6 13:31:07 EDT 2009

On Wed, May 06, 2009 at 12:48:06PM -0400, Jerry Natowitz wrote:
> Putting aside the unrepentantly sleazy nature of SCO's management, does 
> anyone feel at least a tiny bit sad about the passing of SCO?
> I have a college buddy who made a good living in the early 90s selling 
> SCO-based POS systems that supported up to 150 serial terminals on a 
> single x86 box.  Yes, GNU/Linux and Solaris would be able to do the 
> same, but not for a number of years.

Mnyeh. I found working with SCO UNIXen so distasteful that I
took them all off my resume many years ago.


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