Ubuntu and screen resolution and MIT

Jerry Feldman gaf-mNDKBlG2WHs at public.gmane.org
Thu Oct 22 14:10:00 EDT 2009

On 10/22/2009 10:20 AM, jay-R5TnC2l8y5lBDgjK7y7TUQ at public.gmane.org wrote:
> My best guess would be that the system, for some reason, was still thin=
king the external display was active? =20
No, the system was not still recognizing the external, that I know for
> I've spent plenty of time in class rooms with projectors.  And I can te=
ll you that normal users and external displays on laptops, rarely get alo=
ng well.  Doesn't really matter what os we are talking about.  Would be n=
ice if linux could beat windows in areas such as this.  But I think the m=
ajor issue is dealing with the analog hole (assuming you were using vga?)=
, and the hardware not properly recognizing  anlog connection.  Hopefully=
 some day all laptops will be using hdmi, usb3 or what ever else for exte=
rnal video, and the systems will have a better standard of communication.=
  But with vga I suspect its more of a hardware and driver issue, than a =
proble in the os itself.
>  =20
Since the MIT classrooms have now overhead projectors and my laptop has
always worked before at MIT and since JABR's windows laptop worked using
VGA, It could be some other issue, such as driver.  In the past whenever
we had someone's laptop that would not display, the solution was to
change resolutio although previously by 1400x1050 used to work fine.
Maybe there is some software or firmware in the overhead that detects
the OS.

Jerry Feldman <gaf-mNDKBlG2WHs at public.gmane.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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