Another Dumb Bit Torrent Question

Richard Pieri richard.pieri-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Wed Sep 23 14:12:58 EDT 2009

Yes.  The higher the seed:download ratio the more likely a given  
downloader does not need the pieces that you have at a given time.   
Eventually your pieces will be needed.  Give it time.

As an aside, while leech is sometimes used for all downloaders, not  
all downloaders are leeches.  A bittorrent leech is someone who: a)  
turns off uploading or b) sets upload bandwidth to the barest minimum  
to get past leech filters that restrict DL speeds.  B-type leeches  
often stop uploading as soon as the download is complete regardless of  
their own dl:ul ratios.

--Rich P.

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