Looking for an internship

Franco castro latinos986-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org
Fri Apr 2 14:35:49 EDT 2010

Hi folks, I've been in Boston for 3 months, and I'll be here for another 3
months, I came to study English and  my school offer internships, but none
of them is related to IT, my visa (student's visa) allow me to do
internships without payment, so that why I'm looking an internship related
to IT, I've a degree in a degree in engineer in computer security (CISA,
ITIL, etc) also I've basic acknowledgment with cisco (routing protocols,
commands, etc.) and I'm certified by IBM as a sysadmin, I've managed hosting
services for 3 years (web server, ftp, shoutcast, etc)

I think is a good offer, I'm looking any entry level position where I can
help, get experience and the most important; improve my English level.

Thanks for read :)

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