
Mark J Dulcey mark-OGhnF3Lt4opAfugRpC6u6w at public.gmane.org
Mon Apr 12 20:32:33 EDT 2010

On 4/11/2010 3:43 PM, Dan Ritter wrote:
> Somewhere upstream in this thread, somebody said that Apple is an
> experience company. That's right. The experience that Apple is moving
> towards is Disneyland. (I owe somebody else royalties on that thought,
> it's perfect.)

The allusion to Disney is originally (so far as I know) from Neal 
Stephenson's classic essay "In the Beginning was the Command Line", 
which is downloadable at http://www.cryptonomicon.com/beginning.html

Cory Doctorow does make his anti-iPad case well in his own essay at 

Personally I won't go as far as Martin's position of wanting to make the 
iPad illegal. But I won't be buying one, and won't recommend buying one 
to anybody; I'm simply not interested in owning a computer where 
somebody has veto power over the applications I can run. If a comparable 
but more open product comes along, such as the Android slates that 
people have been demonstrating -- and, importantly, offers comparable 3G 
pricing, especially if it involves a carrier other than AT&T (another 
discussion, if we want to have that one we should take it to another 
thread) -- I could recommend that.

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