Mono, gcj, java, c++, what?

Richard Pieri richard.pieri-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Sun Aug 29 18:32:04 EDT 2010


We're not discussing right or wrong.  We're discussing the consequences of the actions that Oracle has taken.  I would be reluctant to contribute code to Open JDK 7 because of those actions.  I would be reluctant to use Solaris because of those actions.  I am dead-set against using ZFS because of those actions.  Oracle has lost a long-time Sun advocate as a direct consequence of the company's recent actions.

The fact that we -- some of us, anyway -- are discussing these things tells me that I'm not the only one.  You can call it FUD if you want, but I for one do not trust Oracle.  They've done it before; they'll do it again.

--Rich P.

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