Compiling Radiance

jbk jbk-SkCWf5sxpj0sV2N9l4h3zg at
Sun Jan 10 08:41:06 EST 2010

Ben Eisenbraun wrote:
> The config.log will be in the subdirectory named 'tiff'.  Were you looking
> in the right place?  You could try one of these to help:
> find . -type d -name tiff
> find . -name config.log
> In any case, my wild ass guess is that you don't have g++ installed.
> You can double check:
> rpm -qa | grep ^gcc
> -ben
At first I didn't get it, understand that I didn't have it because
rpm -qa | grep ^gcc #gave me the answer
which I knew already as I had checked for as part of my initial 
preparation. But I went to another machine I have that I know I have 
been compiling the kernel source on and did the same and got this
$ rpm -qa | grep ^gcc

so I now have it installed.

till next

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