best laptop for a small child

Doug dougsweetser-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Thu Jun 17 13:31:13 EDT 2010

How young is young?  I have seen a YouTube girl 2 1/2 playing with an
iPad (and that 99 year old woman).  Her favorite app was a spelling
game.  A touch screen tablet for consuming media makes sense for the
very young.

Since I have a little time, I will wait for an android tablet.  I
don't like the idea of paying $200 to go from 16G to 64G of
non-swappable storage.  I want to have one card with music, another
with kids movies, a third with grown-up movies, maybe one with books.
Is swappable media for the iPad?


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