Ubuntu moving away from X

Dan Ritter dsr-mzpnVDyJpH4k7aNtvndDlA at public.gmane.org
Fri Nov 5 12:46:30 EDT 2010

On Fri, Nov 05, 2010 at 12:29:11PM -0400, Mark Woodward wrote:
> Is anyone disappointed by Shuttleworth's decision to move Ubuntu off of X?
> X is one of those things that I think is make unix "UNIX." The idea that 
> I can run any application on any machine and display its output on any 
> other machine is more than cool, it is a functionality that I use and 
> has "saved the day" on a number of occasions.
> If there are things that X can't do, then improve it. Don't get rid of it.


1. there will be an X display layer which means that all X11
programs can use it for I/O; success is gradual

2. somewhere in the next 3 release cycles or so, this quietly
disappears from Ubuntu's plan

3. 11.10 will feature it as an optional display mechanism, available
only to people with sufficiently studly video cards. Reviewers
will gush over how pretty it is, but conclude that the lack of
compatibility is going to doom it. After a few cycles, it
quietly disappears.

4. Red Hat and Debian both hop on board; a new standard is born.
(Least likely scenario, IMHO.)


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You can't defend freedom by getting rid of it.

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