Ubuntu moving away from X

Jarod Wilson jarod-ajLrJawYSntWk0Htik3J/w at public.gmane.org
Mon Nov 8 13:17:57 EST 2010

On Nov 8, 2010, at 12:44 PM, Mark Woodward wrote:
>>>> Can you show the GUI of iTunes or Safari remotely on another Mac?
>>>> (without the whole desktop?) I can show Firefox and "Rhythmbox" on
>>>> remotely. Its one of the reasons I find Mac unusable.
>> No... but then again, why would I want to?
> This is exactly the problem. People don't understand how powerful the 
> feature is. Take my home entertainment system, I use this feature to 
> control rythmbox from my laptop without having to turn on the TV. I can 
> even control the music from my office down the hall.

Yuck. Sorry, but I think this particular example sucks, especially
when trying to call a Mac unusable. I think there are far superior
ways to play music (and video) remotely. Some of them are even

This is far from unusable, no X required:


Remote X apps have their use, sure, but I'm quite adamant there
are better solutions than it for this particular use case, even
for those not willing to use a Mac. For example:


Lots of GUI remote clients for it:


And there's even an android remote client for it:


Jarod Wilson
jarod-ajLrJawYSntWk0Htik3J/w at public.gmane.org

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