GIT vs. CVS vs. SVN

Greg Rundlett (freephile) greg-SfI3QVg0eaJl57MIdRCFDg at
Tue Nov 9 23:10:27 EST 2010

A couple more notes:

1) git and CVS can be used together as needed.  Lot's of info about this is
available, but it may not be obvious to someone who is uninitiated to git.

2) I found this great-looking code review tool.  Gerrit: like (Atlassian)
Crucible, but with freedom

It not only lets you see the code diffs coming in, it let's you do code
reviews, comments etc. online.
It's used in the Android project e.g.,sidebyside,16986,2,emulator/qemud/qemud.c

Greg Rundlett

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