OSSEC Rule Writing

Chris O'Connell omegahalo-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org
Wed Oct 6 08:59:33 EDT 2010

Greetings Everyone,

I've just recently installed OSSEC on my main Linux server and agents on my
Windows servers.  I want to be alerted whenever ANY administrator account
logs into our servers.

So... I've edited the local_rules.xml and tried to add these entries:

<group name="syslog,fts,">
  <rule id="100003" level="3">
    <description>Administrative Login! </description>

<group name="syslog,fts,">
  <rule id="100004" level="3">
    <description>Administrative Login! </description>

<group name="local,">
  <rule id="100005" level="3">
    <description>Windows Logon Success.</description>


For some reason none of these seem to work correctly.  I'm not sure I
understand what I'm doing, but am open to some ideas on what to do...


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