ddr3 memory configuration....

Jason Normand jay-R5TnC2l8y5lBDgjK7y7TUQ at public.gmane.org
Wed Oct 20 11:25:42 EDT 2010

yeah the motherboard manual should give you the proper order to fill
slots, and also tell you how many slots there are per channel (or
something like that).  Though im most cases your best performance will be
filling all slots, with identical memory.  However this may not be the
case for ever mother board, or they may have different memory requirements
depend on the slots that are filled (ecc type stuff).

But the manual should have all the details for your specific board.


On 10/20/10 7:09 AM, "Stephen Adler" <adler-wRvlPVLobi1/31tCrMuHxg at public.gmane.org> wrote:

>I'm in the process of upgrading to a 5500 class motherboard with DDR3
>memory and have discovered that one can impact the performance of the
>system depending on how one populates the memory on the motherboard. A
>quick check on the net shows that its a bit confusing. Can anyone
>recommend an easy rule of thumb on how to populate a motherboard? It
>looks like its best to buy DDR3 DIMMs in factors of 3.
>Cheers. Steve.
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