Is there any joy left in this industry?

Jim Gasek jim-ESJ+pY3k0/ZeoWH0uzbU5w at
Fri Oct 29 08:29:40 EDT 2010

At the core of this problem is one concept- OUTSOURCING.

Anyone watch "Outsourced" last night? 

Cheap and reliable WAN.

Global outsourcing. 

And, at the core of THAT problem is the ignoring/irrelevancy
of the US Constitution (I.e., fractional reserve "lending", 
fiat currency, heavy progressive internal taxation, lack of 
duties/imposts on imported goods and services...). 

Communism and fascism, generally.

The Constitution is still technically in effect, it is
just completely ignored by the courts.

Banks and governments would like to have you believe there 
is no negative consequence in their spinning "money" out
of thin air/debt.   There most certainly is.

But, we got what we asked for over the last century:

Government from hell.

The answer for us:  Become employed in jobs which can't 
easily be moved to low-cost parts of the globe.   Which aren't
impacted by wage reduction, due to people willing to work for
a buck a day.

Jobs in which customer is here, and needs a local touch. 
Jobs in which data is too sensitive to cross national borders. 

Work in creative (low cost/tax, barter, highly productive) ways,
and innovate like crazy.   Become attached in synergistic ways
to high growth phenomenon locally.   Love your customer.

Or, of course, work for the government.

Jim Gasek

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