Tom Metro tmetro-blu-5a1Jt6qxUNc at public.gmane.org
Wed Sep 29 22:47:04 EDT 2010

Jerry Feldman wrote:
> I actually tried to configure my desktop system to...wake up using a
> Wake-On_LAN signal from one of the BLU servers. ...I was not able to
> get it working from inside of my LAN.

I haven't looked at the WOL protocol, but I'm pretty sure it is
something that operates at the Ethernet layer, and thus not something
that'll pass through your router. Lets see...yup:


It's a layer 2 packet fired at a MAC address.

However the article also has a section on "Wake on Internet":

where it talks about either using a VPN to extend the reach of the LAN,
or custom firewall rules to let the packet cross your WAN router.

When setting up a router recently with the Tomato firmware, I noticed it
has a WOL tool, which lets you issue "magic" WOL packets to any of the
client machines it knows about. Documentation here:

Live demo here:

I don't see any GUI for scheduled wakeups, but they do have a command
line tool to send the WOL packet, and support cron scripts.

Should be easy to do likewise with any third party firmware that provide
shell access.


Tom Metro
Venture Logic, Newton, MA, USA
"Enterprise solutions through open source."
Professional Profile: http://tmetro.venturelogic.com/

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