Gnome 3 Discussions

Richard Pieri richard.pieri-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Tue Apr 26 16:51:53 EDT 2011

On Apr 26, 2011, at 3:46 PM, Tom Metro wrote:
> This is a group of developers, which by definition are power users, and
> presumably are living with GNOME 3. Certainly they've anticipated a
> desire to retain legacy behavior. It's not like you can upgrade to GNOME
> 3, but keep running the GNOME 2 shell on top. So what transition plan do
> they have in mind?

They don't?  You nailed it in the first sentence.  These are power users, and power users are the worst group of people to put in charge of designing UIs.  So what we end up with is something that works for them but doesn't necessarily work well for anyone else.  Furthermore, this is what drives the egotistical (yes, there, I said it) refusal to fix repeatedly reported bugs even when patches are supplied.

That's just my armchair quarterback's impression of things.  The truth may (probably does) vary.

--Rich P.

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