Sandboxing & System 76 Laptops

Chris O'Connell omegahalo-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Thu Feb 17 09:11:44 EST 2011

Hi Guys,

My question is sort of cross platform.

I have an 86 year old user here at my work.  He's very bright, but no matter
how many times I tell him not to click weird email links or strange websites
he does.  The result is a weekly visit into his office to run a 45 minute
sweep for spyware, viruses and malware.

I'm wondering if anyone can recommend a good sandboxing program that may
help eliminate this problem given I can never get this guy to practice safe

He runs windows so a Windows sandboxing utility suggestion would be

I'm contemplating a new laptop that would run Linux, preferably a System 76
laptop.  Any thoughts on System 76?  Any good Linux sandboxing programs out

Sorry, I know this email has a lot of questions that don't directly relate
to one another.

Thanks in advance!


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