dual monitors

Stephen Jahl stephenjahl-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org
Tue Feb 22 08:16:15 EST 2011

> So I've heard, but the NVIDIA driver seems to handle mixed resolutions
> fine. I've used it before with different resolutions when driving a
> VGA-to-composite TV adapter or driving an LCD TV, but both were limited
> duration uses so I didn't try running OOo while that setup was active.
> I would expect mixed resolutions to either prevent two displays from
> working entirely, or cause rendering artifacts or something at a low
> layer. The problems I'm seeing seems to be happening at a few layers of
> abstraction higher, where resolution should be irrelevant.

How is the positioning of your monitors configured? The nvidia-xsettings app
allows you to choose things like 'Left of', 'Right of', and 'absolute'. I've
seen some anomalies on my computer when either one of the monitors is set to
'absolute' positioning.

I've been running an nvidia setup with twinview and different monitor
resolutions and haven't seen any of these problems (Fedora, CentOS,

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