30% Apple

Kent Borg kentborg-KwkGvOEf1og at public.gmane.org
Wed Feb 23 08:35:13 EST 2011

Edward Ned Harvey wrote:
> Since I hear a number of people here using android on t-mobile or at&t, I'll
> just mention...  I recently switched from t-mobile to metropcs, and I love
> it.  Unlimited everything for $50/mo (including taxes and everything) and no
> contracts.  

I was intrigued by that, but then discovered they are a CDMA carrier. My 
phone, which I paid my money for, won't work with them.


I like CDMA, it is a very cool technology, but GSM et al, is too 
compelling, the Nexus One is GSM, etc.

My aesthetic attraction to how CDMA works is reassured, the GSM world is 
moving that direction.

-kb, the Kent whose retirement saving made a lot of money on Qualcomm 
stock back when.

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