why do you play with computers?

Eric Chadbourne eric.chadbourne-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org
Fri Jan 21 21:15:02 EST 2011

i just finished up a website.  i wrote a cms from scratch for fun in
php.  just installed it on a vps.  everything pretty much worked.  that
feeling...  wow, i know to some of the 'real programmers' on the list
it's no biggy, but to me, wow, really, this stuff works!  and that is
the feeling.  that is why i play with computers.

a friend compared it to manual labor.  in a good way.  in that you see
your effort.  makes sense here.  i work and at the end of the day see a

so, why do you play with computers?  what is your experience?

Eric Chadbourne

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