[Discuss] VMWare Player question

Richard Pieri richard.pieri at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 11:22:46 EDT 2011

On Oct 18, 2011, at 11:07 AM, Jerry Feldman wrote:
> First, does anyone know if VMWare Player 4 will support a 64-bit guest
> on a 32-bit laptop.

It will not.  64-bit guests require 64-bit CPUs.

> Second, if the laptop has a 64-bit CPU, but a 32-bit OS (Windows XP).

This should work if the laptop has VT-x and it is enabled.

> A related question that I'll probably get answered a bit later.
> We have Oracle XE configured on these cloned VMs. One coworker things
> that we have to reinstall Oracle. I'd like to be able to retain the data
> (schemas, roles, and table spaces).

Your cow-orker is mistaken.  Data is data.  Even if you use raw volumes.  A copy of the container is a copy of the container, and you can verify this with MD5 sums.  Licensing may be an issue but that's a different issue than it not working at all.

--Rich P.

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