[Discuss] Insight about LVM

David Rosenstrauch darose at darose.net
Mon Oct 24 11:40:59 EDT 2011

On 10/22/2011 08:55 AM, markw at mohawksoft.com wrote:
> I'm looking to hear from people using it, things they like, things they
> dislike, oddities they've encountered, etc.

Only negative I've heard is:

If you have a logical volume that spans multiple HDD's, and one of the 
disks goes bad, the file system on your LV will be corrupted/lost.  (I 
think this is similar to RAID-0?)  So, IIRC, currently best practice is 
that if your goal is to make a large volume group made up of several 
physical volumes, that the physical volumes should be redundant RAID 
devices themselves to avoid this problem.

Perhaps someone else can confirm/refute this?



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