[Discuss] Virtual hosting provider

Edward Ned Harvey blu at nedharvey.com
Fri Oct 28 08:26:15 EDT 2011

> From: Bill Bogstad [mailto:bogstad at pobox.com]
> I looked at micro-instances at one point.  The only thing is that it
> appears that it is only free for the first year:
> http://aws.amazon.com/free/
> Do you have pointers to anything which is free after a year?

No, I believe that's right.  Free for a year.  Not free indefinitely (Unless
you claim to be a new customer again and migrate your stuff to a new
account, or do other shady stuff.)

But even so, for tiny services such as hosting my website, the estimated
cost even after a year is lower than any competitor I can find.  Something
between $5 and $10 a month.  While I have found and used other services in
this range, the performance or reliability or specs have not been in the
same ballpark.

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