[Discuss] The next Linux desktop

Laura Conrad lconrad at laymusic.org
Fri Feb 10 07:51:57 EST 2012

>>>>> "Tom" == Tom Metro <tmetro-blu at vl.com> writes:

    Tom> [The first of a series of posts on Linux desktops.]

    Tom> We've discussed the idea of using Mint as an alternative to
    Tom> Ubuntu here before, but how many of you have actually done
    Tom> that?

I've used Ubuntu for a decade or so on my desktop, but about a year ago,
I was having terrible problems running it on the laptop (an old
Thinkpad), because of power management and graphics issues.

So the laptop is now running Mint.  There's a wierd problem with Flash
in chromium, and there was a problem with sound being quite noisy, which
got fixed by updating everything.  So on the whole, I'm pretty happy.
It certainly doesn't hang when I close the lid or run a screensaver the
way Ubuntu 10.04LTS did.  

I would like to say that the netbook (an Acer Aspire One) is also
running Linux Mint, but the graphical install failed because the screen
was too small, and I haven't gotten around to doing anything different,
so it runs Windows when I use it at all.

Laura   (mailto:lconrad at laymusic.org, twitter: @serpentplayer)
(617) 661-8097	233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   
http://www.laymusic.org/ http://www.serpentpublications.org

With all these books, as with any on the subject, do not expect to
turn yourself into an expert via the printed word alone.  You can
commit to memory everything Lichine has to say about Gevrey-Chambertin
and still have no idea whether you would like the wine.

Kingsley Amis, _On Drink_

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