[Discuss] Striping is bad

Mark Komarinski mkomarinski at wayga.org
Sun Feb 19 13:30:25 EST 2012

On 2/18/2012 11:33 PM, markw at mohawksoft.com wrote:
>> On 2/18/2012 10:45 PM, markw at mohawksoft.com wrote:
>>> If you are saying that a catastrophic failure of a storage device does
>>> not
>>> reflect poorly upon the manufacturer, I suggest you rethink your
>>> position.
>>> If I were driving home in a Kia and it died with no symptoms, i.e. was
>>> running perfectly with no "check engine" light as well as properly
>>> maintained, would you NOT blame the manufacturer?
>> If a Kia went for $100, I'd buy two in case one died unexpectedly.
> No a Kia wont go for $100, so your analogy is flawed.
And you're trying to compare a $15,000+ vehicle with warranty and 
maintenance schedule to a hard drive you purchased online for $129.  
Even so, catastrophic things happen, and the manufacturer isn't always 
to blame when something goes wrong.  Parts die unexpectedly for varying 
reasons.  A car usually be repaired and put back on the road.  Hard 
drives can't.

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