[Discuss] mysql brain teaser...

Stephen Adler adler at stephenadler.com
Sun Feb 26 09:17:35 EST 2012

Check this out for a mysql brain tease.... I'm working on a new database 
project and on my development system I run a separate mysql database 
server to develop against. So today I found the following in my list of 
databases in my development mysql database server.

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| #mysql50#.emacs.d  |
| clinicaldb         |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| test               |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

So what is this #mysql50#.emacs.d database? I did a quick search and 
found that #mysql50# prefix means that a database was upgrade which my 
have happened as I've upgraded through various releases of Fedora. But 
the .emacs.d is the weird part. The database contains `.` characters 
which are supposidly not allowed according to the following link


does anyone have a suggestion as to how I can check to see what tables 
are in this database and/or how to drop the database?

Thanks in advance...

Cheers. Steve.

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