[Discuss] bash output buffering

Edward Ned Harvey blu at nedharvey.com
Fri Jun 15 09:07:37 EDT 2012

> From: Bill Bogstad [mailto:bogstad at pobox.com]
> Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2012 2:07 PM
> Can you be more specific about what you exact commands you are using?
>  When I put the following into a file called foo:
> ===
> #!/bin/sh
> ping > $HOME/xxx
> ===
> and then run
> "at -f foo now"
> The "tail -f $HOME/xxx" does exactly what you want (one line every

Huh.  Maybe the difference is /bin/bash versus /bin/sh
...  Cuz ...
That's exactly what I'm doing.

Also, I did something like this:   echo "/home/user/bin/script.sh" | at now
whereas, you did "at -f foo" ... it's hard to imagine that makes a
difference...   Not it's not.  It seems like that could very well make a
difference.  Because in your case, you're essentially telling atd to run the
script, not /bin/sh or /bin/bash.  So the way you submitted the script to
atd is just as likely to make a difference as the selection of which shell
to run....


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