[Discuss] Future of Personal Computers

Jerry Feldman gaf at blu.org
Tue Mar 13 13:49:44 EDT 2012

On 03/13/2012 12:20 PM, Kyle Leslie wrote:
> And what about the Atrix type docks but for tablets?  That could add
> quite a bit of "Laptop type" usage for users.  I believe the EEE
> Transformer uses a similar type of "docking" system.Personally I think
> the next step would be allowing a mouse to be included in the docking
> system and then you have a true "transformer".  (I like my mouse)
I put this in the same category of BlueTooth keyboards. All these
devices have USB, primarily for charging and data transfer, but add a
portable keyboard/screen using a single USB + HDMI. That is essentially
what the Attriix keyboard screen is. Motorola has extended that to some
other non-AT&T devices recently. But if we think the other way around,
take the current laptop make the screen into a touch screen and put a
swivel into it. you have essentially a tablet. HP did that a few years,
but the market wasn't ready. So, you take a traditional tablet, add a
portable screen/keyboard/mouse, or package them all into one. The issue
is cost. Screen size is money, so is higher density non-volitile memory.
So essentially I se a more merging of the laptop/tablet technologies
where at the higher end we have a laptop with tablet characteristics and
at the low end we have just a tablet where you can but a

Jerry Feldman <gaf at blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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