[Discuss] [Slightly OT] Streaming video services?

Kyle Leslie fbxxkl at gmail.com
Fri Nov 30 08:42:42 EST 2012

I'd add that with Netflix depending on the unit you get varies the content
you get. My XBox 360 has always had different streaming content than a
friends PS3 or Set top box.

That could have changed now but I dropped my subscription because the XBox
360 streaming options were atrocious and never updated.  I am planning on
putting together an XBMC box one of these to test that method of streaming
netflix though.

FWIW - Most people I know who stream most of their content usually have
multiple services to fulfill there needs, there is no silver bullet.

Generally I hear TV streamers use - Hulu, Amazon, Itunes and Movie people
Netflix, Amazon, Itunes.  But that is all anecdotal.

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