[Discuss] can one safely login multiple times to the same user on a modern Linux desktop?

John Abreau abreauj at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 10:23:58 EDT 2012

On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 10:17 AM, Edward Ned Harvey (blu)
<blu at nedharvey.com> wrote:

> Why is this a discussion?  Why wouldn't you just lock the screen, or suspend/resume a remote session, rather than killing everything?
> I know I lock my screen every time I walk away.  At work it's important for security because I've got all my root and admin sessions open, password lists, etc.  At home, it's important, because my 3-yr old daughter loves to press buttons and things.

Earlier in the thread, someone asserted that locking the screen was
not good enough, and that completely logging out every time you walk
away from the computer was the One True Faith.

John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix
PGP KeyID: 32A492D8 / Email: abreauj at gmail.com
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