[Discuss] rsnapshot vs. rdiff-backup

Kent Borg kentborg at borg.org
Tue Dec 3 10:12:28 EST 2013

A big consideration when looking at backups is to walk through the 
restore scenario: how long will it take? Will that be good enough?

I have used a home-brew backup scheme ping-ponged between two different 
removable drives (one always disconnected, usually both are disconnected 
and at least one off-site) and I used the hard link option of rsync to 
store complete trees in an efficient way.

The cool thing about this is that the restore time to access any given 
file is to plug in the backup and mount the partition--likely readonly. 
(Add more time or elaboration for whole disk or whole system restoration.)

But the point is to ask how the backup will be used, not just that the 
data is theoretically in there someplace and could be pulled out.


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